Behind the Scenes with
Andreia Inamorato
ICDE World Conference 2023: Education for Sustainable Futures
I 0711_Final_V3_Andreia Inamorato ICDE Keynote Costa Rica 2023
Palestra no congresso ESUD-CIESUD 2023 – Campo Grande, MS- Brasil
Hoje às 14h de Campo Grande, no Mato Grosso do Sul, farei a palestra ' Educação Aberta numa Perspectiva Internacional, como parte do congresso Internacional ESUD-CIESUD, promovido pela UNIREDE com apoio da IntegraUFMS, UFMS e CAPES. Deixo aqui e o link de acesso meus...
OEGlobal announces new leadership: thank you note
Open Education Global (OEGlobal) has announced this week my joining as its executive director, replacing the remarkable Paul Stacey. It is a great honour for me to have been chosen for such a special and strategic role. I have been doing research on open education for...
My Keynote at Moodlemoot Global 2022
Educating for the future: the transformative power of openness (Moodlemoot Global 2022, Barcelona) The numbers do not lie: there were 835 participants in the Moodlemoot Global 2022 in Barcelona, 3 years after the last global face-to-face moot. It was an incredibly...
The Digital Competence of Academics in Spain – publication launch
We had the pleasure to have the official launch of the joint report of the JRC -CRUE (Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities) ‘The Digital Competence of Academics in Spain: a study based on the European Frameworks DigCompEdu and OpenEdu’, on the 13th of...
Prize from CRUE-TIC for collaboration in Higher Education
Pleased to say that on the 21st of October 2021 the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) has received a prize from CRUE-TIC ( Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities). This was in recognition of a successful collaboration we have been having in...