OER in Brazil UNESCO (2011)
I went back to Brazil in 2011, after having lived in the UK for 10 years. I founded DigiLearn Brasil, and started working as a consultant in educational technology and OER. I went on a fascinating journey of spreading the word about OER in Brazil, after my long-stand experience with OER in Europe. One of my most significant projects in Brazil at the time was the research study I carried out for UNESCO IITE (Moscow), which was published as ‘Open Educational Resources in Brazil: State-of-the -Art, Challenges and Prospects for Development and Innovation’ (2011). It was part of a series on OER in non-English speaking countries, promoted by the UNESCO IITE. This report was translated into Brazilian Portuguese in 2013, by cetic.br, and published as ‘Recursos Educacionais Abertos no Brasil: O Estado da Arte, Desafios e Perspectivas para o Desenvolvimento e Inovação’.